Some Interesting Papers
Peisen Yao. Notice: just for fun; not a "sound, complete" reading list.
Algorithmic Verification
Construction of abstract state graphs with PVS, CAV'97
Counterexample-guided abstraction refinement, CAV'00
Checking safety properties using induction and a SAT-solver, FMCAD'00
Houdini, an annotation assistant for ESC/Java, FME'01
Linear invariant generation using non-linear constraint solving, CAV'03
Symbolic implementation of best abstract transformers, VMCAI'04
SMT techniques for fast predicate abstraction, CAV'06
Lazy abstraction with interpolants, CAV'06
Software verification using k-induction, SAS'11
Understanding IC3, SAT'12
Software model checking for people who love automata, CAV'13
Inductive invariant generation via abductive inference, OOPSLA'13
ICE: A robust framework for learning invariants, CAV'14
Pointer/Alias Analysis
Efficient context-sensitive pointer analysis for C programs, PLDI'95
Relevant context inference, POPL'99
Modular interprocedural pointer analysis using access paths, PLDI'00
Undecidability of context-sensitive data-dependence analysis, TOPLAS'00
Unification-based pointer analysis with directional assignments, PLDI'00
Efficient field-sensitive pointer analysis for C, PASTE'04
Demand-driven points-to analysis for Java, OOPSLA'05
Refinement-based context-sensitive points-to analysis for Java, PLDI'06
Making context-sensitive points-to analysis with heap cloning practical for the real world, PLDI'07
The Ant and the Grasshopper: fast and accurate pointer analysis for millions of lines of code, PLDI'07
Demand-driven alias analysis for C, POPL'08
Semi-sparse flow-sensitive pointer analysis, POPL'09
Points-to analysis with efficient strong updates, POPL'11
Flow-sensitive pointer analysis for millions of lines of code, CGO'11
Pick your contexts well: understanding object-sensitivity, POPL'11
Hybrid context-sensitivity for points-to analysis, PLDI'13
Dataflow Analysis
Static Bug Finding
Tracking pointers with path and context sensitivity for bug detection in C programs, ESEC/FSE'03
A static analyzer for large safety-critical software, PLDI'03
Scalable error detection using Boolean satisfiability, POPL'05
Effective typestate verification in the presence of aliasing, ISSTA'06, TOSEM'08
Effective static race detection for Java, PLDI'06
Practical memory leak detection using guarded value-flow analysis, PLDI'07
Calysto: scalable and precise extended static checking, ICSE'09
TAJ: effective taint analysis of Web applications, PLDI'09
A few billion lines of code later using static analysis to find bugs in the real world, CACM'10
Thresher: precise refutations for heap reachability, PLDI'13
Automated Reasoning
Semantic minimization for three-valued logic, LICS'02
A knowledge compilation map, JAIR'02
Variable independence for first-order definable constraints, TOCL'03
DPLL(T): fast decision procedures, CAV'04
Quantifier elimination by lazy model enumeration, CAV'10
Automating string processing in spreadsheets using input-output examples, POPL'11
A method for symbolic computation of abstract operations, CAV'12
Monadic decomposition, CAV'14, JACM'17
Automating grammar comparison, OOPSLA'15
A formalization of programs in first-order logic, KR'14, AI'16